Need To Know Motors

Lockdown Essentials: DMS Enhances Customer Relationships

Any DMS worth its salt can be operated remotely.  That’s nothing new. But Navigator claims its DMS actually engages with customers to bring them even closer to a dealership during Lockdown.

Long considered one of the leading integrated systems on the market. The Navigator DMS operates in any size of dealership, on the basis that one size does not fit all.  As Luscombe Motors’ finance director, David Taylor, said: “We’re not the typical motor dealer and the system had to match our requirements for an integrated system.”

Keeping Customers Close

But now Navigator’s Jon Byles claims that Lockdown has seen the DMS developer actually enhance its capabilities geared towards bringing customers close, without getting too close.

Says Byles:  “We’re talking about sophisticated front-facing tools that put your customers at ease while enabling you to deliver your entire range of sales and services. And we’re talking about raising your game right across the dealership, as Navigator’s capabilities are perfectly attuned to working under Lockdown conditions.  Navigator brings every department together, all pointing in the same direction with data and details always up to date and always accessible.”

Specifically, Navigator has introduced new tools and developed existing capabilities to answer users’ requirements for enhanced communications capabilities between dealership and customer.

This has resulted in major investment by Dealer Management Services, the company behind Navigator, to ensure that all users benefit from:

  • Direct online billing;
  • Integrated contactless app from AU Assist to streamline socially-distanced service;
  • Quick and easy payments via a simple link;
  • Fully integrated check-in;
  • Customer information from DMS;
  • App communications with customer;
  • Integrated e-signature;
  • Integrated key drop-off;
  • Personalised welcome video;
  • Reduce service desk traffic;
  • Reduce check-in times;
  • Prioritise safety & social distancing.

Byles reports that Navigator has been busier than ever during Lockdown, following the demand for better socially-distanced DMS capabilities:

“Lockdown has seen our installation team metaphorically criss-crossing the country from the safety of their own offices, remotely installing new DMS systems into dealerships far and wide.  The demand has increased due to the proven ability of Navigator to not only enable a dealership to keep in touch with customers during Lockdown, but for it to actually get even closer, by creating a trusting and open relationship via our new toolsets.”